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Payment Gateways

Local and International Payment Gateway Integration Services Provider

Web3matrix is a leading e-commerce website service provider that specializes in providing online payment gateway integration services to businesses of all sizes. With a team of experienced professionals, Web3matrix offers cutting-edge solutions that enable businesses to accept payments online securely and efficiently.

As an e-commerce website service provider, Web3matrix understands the importance of offering a seamless and secure online payment experience for customers. That’s why they offer a range of payment gateway integration solutions that are tailored to meet the unique needs of businesses. Their services include the integration of popular payment gateways such as PayPal, Stripe, and, as well as custom payment gateway integration solutions.


Web3matrix’s online payment gateway integration services are designed to simplify the payment process for businesses and customers alike. They offer a range of features that enable businesses to accept payments securely and efficiently, including PCI compliance, fraud detection and prevention, and real-time transaction monitoring.

In addition to their online payment gateway integration services, Web3matrix also offers a range of ecommerce website services to help businesses build and optimize their online stores. These services include website design and development, content creation, SEO, and digital marketing.

Overall, Web3matrix is a trusted partner for businesses looking to enhance their online payment capabilities and grow their ecommerce operations. With their expertise and commitment to customer satisfaction, they provide businesses with the tools and support they need to succeed in the digital marketplace.

What is Payment Gateway?

A payment gateway is a technology that enables merchants to securely process online transactions by authorizing credit and debit card payments, bank transfers, and other digital payment methods. It acts as an intermediary between the merchant’s website or mobile application and the payment processor or acquiring bank.
Payment gateways facilitate the transfer of payment information between the customer, merchant, and acquiring bank, ensuring that sensitive financial data is transmitted securely and protected against fraud. They typically offer a range of features such as fraud detection and prevention, chargeback management, and recurring billing.


In addition to providing a secure payment processing solution, payment gateways also offer merchants detailed reporting and analytics, allowing them to track transaction volumes, revenue, and customer behavior.

Overall, payment gateways are an essential component of e-commerce and online business operations, providing a convenient, reliable, and secure method for merchants to accept digital payments from customers worldwide.

How Payment Gateway works:

the key components and processes involved in a typical payment gateway:


Merchant integration: Merchants integrate the payment gateway into their website or mobile application by following the gateway’s technical documentation and APIs.

Customer checkout: Customers select their preferred payment method at checkout, such as credit card or digital wallet, and enter their payment details on the merchant’s website or app.

Payment processing: The payment gateway securely transmits the customer’s payment information to the acquiring bank or payment processor for authorization and settlement.

Payment authorization: The acquiring bank or payment processor verifies the customer’s payment details, checks for fraud, and approves or declines the transaction.

Settlement: The acquiring bank or payment processor transfers the approved funds to the merchant’s designated bank account


Leading Payment Gateways in the World:

As eCommerce continues to grow in popularity, payment gateways have become an essential part of the online shopping experience. These gateways allow customers to securely and conveniently pay for their purchases online. Here are some of the top payment gateways for eCommerce websites in the world:

PayPal: PayPal is one of the most popular payment gateways in the world. It allows customers to make payments using their PayPal account or credit card, and is accepted by millions of merchants worldwide.


Stripe: Stripe is a popular payment gateway that is known for its simplicity and ease of use. It supports a wide range of payment methods and currencies, and is designed to integrate seamlessly with eCommerce platforms like WooCommerce and Shopify.

Authorize.Net: Authorize.Net is a leading payment gateway that offers a range of features and tools to help merchants manage their transactions. It supports a wide range of payment methods, including credit cards and electronic checks.

Amazon Pay: Amazon Pay is a payment gateway that allows customers to use their Amazon account to make purchases on other websites. It’s a popular choice for eCommerce merchants who want to offer a quick and convenient payment option to their customers.

Braintree: Braintree is a payment gateway that is owned by PayPal. It offers a range of features, including fraud protection and support for multiple payment methods, and is designed to be easy to use for both merchants and customers.

Square: Square is a payment gateway that is designed for small businesses. It offers a range of features, including support for multiple payment methods and the ability to process payments in-person or online.

Skrill: Skrill is a popular payment gateway that allows customers to make payments using their Skrill account or credit card. It’s known for its low fees and support for multiple currencies.

2Checkout: 2Checkout is a payment gateway that supports a wide range of payment methods, including credit cards, PayPal, and more. It offers a range of features, including fraud protection and subscription billing.

Worldpay: Worldpay is a payment gateway that is designed for businesses of all sizes. It supports a wide range of payment methods and currencies, and offers a range of features, including fraud protection and recurring billing.

Adyen: Adyen is a payment gateway that is known for its global reach and support for a wide range of payment methods and currencies. It offers a range of features, including fraud protection and the ability to process payments in-person or online.

These payment gateways are just a few of the top options available for eCommerce websites. Each has its own unique features and advantages, so it’s important to carefully consider which one is best suited for your business.

Payment gateway in Bangladesh:

There are several payment gateways that are compatible with Shopify or Woocommerce websites in Bangladesh. Here are some of the best ones:

  • bKash
  • Rocket
  • Nagad
  • iPay
  • EBL Payment Gateway
  • Payza
  • Payoneer
  • MyCash Online
  • Upay.

Of these, SSLCOMMERZ is one of the most popular and widely used payment gateways in Bangladesh for E-commerce websites.
It supports a wide range of payment methods and allows customers to make payments easily and securely. Other popular options include bKash, Rocket, and Nagad, which are all mobile-based payment solutions that are widely used in Bangladesh.


SSLCommerz offers a wide range of payment options including credit and debit cards, mobile payments, internet banking, and various other online payment methods. The company supports multiple currencies and has integrations with several popular e-commerce platforms such as WooCommerce, Magento, OpenCart, and Shopify.

One of the key features of SSLCommerz is its robust security measures to protect both merchants and customers from fraudulent activities. The platform uses 128-bit SSL encryption to ensure all data transmissions are secure, and has implemented various fraud detection and prevention measures to identify and prevent fraudulent transactions.

SSLCommerz also provides merchants with a range of analytics and reporting tools to help them track their payment transactions, manage their payment settings and preferences, and gain insights into their sales performance.

Overall, SSLCommerz is a reliable and secure payment gateway solution that is widely used by businesses in Bangladesh and beyond.
